UAL Summer Stays

Located in the heart of London

Summer in London

This booking page is for UAL Presessionals, Language Centre, and Study Abroad students only. If you are not in this group, please visit our regular summer stays booking page .

Make yourself at home in one of the most vibrant cities in the world.
Whether you are looking for a short or long stay, UAL offers different rooms to suit your needs, from shared flats to studios for guests looking for more space. With over 700 rooms available at affordable prices, UAL offers the perfect base for your summer stay.
Please make sure that you enter the specific code given to you by your college when making your booking in order to receive a discount.

Things to do in London

Our halls are conveniently located minutes away from some of London's most exciting destinations. Go shopping at the world-famous Brick Lane market, discover new galleries in Hoxton, or if you're a music lover, there are many festivals taking place in the beautiful Victoria Park.

How to Find Us